Our Awesome Team
At Adorizon, we truly value a sense of family – in our team, how we work with our partners and of course our clients. Everything we do is inherently social, and because we do what we love and love what we do, we consistently achieve work we can be proud of.

Concept Creation | Styling
Shruti Raj
The sole owner of a baffled mind that is full of questionably creative energy which lets her make stuff out of anything. You will barely see her nodding along because she has her take on everything and so would be with your brand ideologies as well. Rest assured, if she sets her eyes on your concept, be ready to take it up a notch higher because clearly, storytelling is her strong pursuit and she believes that the story you tell, defines your brand.
Boy, can she tell stories!
Be it in writing, or creating that perfect frame & mood for visual storytelling, she never fails to paint the canvas with the best picture possible. Coming from a creative background and having over a decade of experience in the Content Creation Industry, she has been associated with several prestigious brands such as National Geographic, Nestle, Unilever Food Solutions, Electrolux and Discovery ME, to name a few.
Being a serious food enthusiast and an ardent home baker, needless to say that she takes food projects like a mission, and you would find her at her best working around food.
When she’s not writing, developing concepts or styling & clicking food, you will find her contemplating about doughnuts and cakes because mostly that is where her mind belongs, sometimes even during meetings.
Being a Leo, her other talents include, speaking pure sarcasm and wearing her sassy pants on quite proudly.